The Law Offices of Kenneth B. Dion, P.A.
Traffic, Criminal, and Immigration Attorney
CALL 561.835.9833
Traffic Tickets, Traffic Law, Criminal Law, Personal Injury, Immigration Law, Business Law, Commercial Litigation, Corporate Law, Employment Law, Real Estate Law.
For a free consultation
Criminal Traffic Attorney
We defend all traffic defenses including Speeding tickets, HOV Lane requirement tickets, Stop Sign and Red Light tickets, Red Light Camera violations, Careless and Reckless driving, Expired Driver's License, Expired Registration, Expired Insurance, Improper Display of Tags, Unknowingly Driving with a Suspended License, Racing, and everything else.
Personal Injury Attorney
Everday, hundreds of residents and visitors
around the state of Florida are involved in a range of automobile accidents, from the seemingly minor to the more serious automobile collision with severe personal injury or death. If you find yourself or someone you know in this situation, please contact us so we may handle your accident case, while you concentrate on more important matters, such as your recovery. We also represent those who have suffered personal injury due to the negligence of another at restaurants, supermarkets, apartment complexes and other private and commercial establishments.
Immigration Attorney
If you need help right away and want to work with an affordable immigration lawyer without sacrificing quality legal representation, call us now for free consultation. You will never have to wait weeks or months for an appointment. We can help you right away to possibly gain legal status in the United States.
Traffic Attorney
For a non-criminal traffic violation, you will never have to appear in court. A lawyer can appear on your behalf and, in most cases, you will not recieve any points on your driving record. In some cases your traffic ticket could get completely dismissed.
Criminal Law Attorney
Whether you are facing DUI charges, drug charges, domestic violence accusations, or any other type of criminal offense, we have handled all criminal matters ranging from Homicide to petit theft and everything in between including posession charges since 1993.
Business Law Attorney
Clients represented vary from all businesses entities including corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships to all individuals including, but not limited to judges, attorneys, professionals, athletes, and juveniles in all aspects of their business including formation, collections, and other matters.